Welcome to Somerset Reclamation, your ultimate destination for unique and varied reclaimed products. At Somerset Reclamation, we understand that the delivery cost for each item is crucial for our customers to make informed purchasing decisions. That's why we have made it a priority to display the estimated delivery cost prominently on our product pages.
With an extensive array of products varying in size and weight, we have assigned a distinct delivery code to each item. This code enables us to cater to the diverse delivery needs across different parts of the UK. Our delivery options range from standard delivery, dedicated day delivery, and the flexibility of holding items for a few days to a few weeks, along with a convenient click-and-collect service.
To ensure the safe and timely delivery of our products, we have partnered with reputable logistics providers. Small items are shipped through Royal Mail, while medium-sized items are handled by FedEx. For larger or delicate items, we entrust pallet couriers, ensuring secure curbside delivery. If you are a local customer, we have our own transport service to guarantee swift and efficient delivery. Additionally, for those who require a more personalized delivery experience, we offer a white-glove service that can be arranged upon request.
With our comprehensive delivery options and reliable logistics partners, Somerset Reclamation is committed to providing a seamless and hassle-free shopping experience for all our customers. Explore our diverse range of reclaimed products and let us take care of the delivery, making your shopping journey with us a convenient and satisfying one.
Our Shipping Partners

Royal Mail