In the bustling world of television and theater production, every set is a carefully crafted masterpiece. Somerset Reclamation takes pride in being an integral part of this creative process, having both sold and rented a myriad of reclaimed items to bring unique authenticity to various productions.
Our collaboration with esteemed production companies at the Bottle Yard in Bristol has been a testament to the versatility of our reclaimed treasures. From rustic doors that tell stories of the past to weathered windows that frame scenes with character, our collection has found its way onto the sets of numerous television projects, adding a touch of history and nostalgia.
One notable highlight in our journey is the sale of a upright piano to the Bath Theatre Royal. The resonance of its keys echoed through the hallowed halls, enhancing the theatrical experience for audiences and performers alike. It’s a symphony of the past meeting the present, bridging eras in a harmonious blend.
Another fascinating chapter unfolds with the sale of a butter churn to Bristol Hippodrome. This simple yet iconic piece has become a symbolic element in their creative space, embodying the essence of tradition and craftsmanship. It’s not just an object; it’s a narrative waiting to be explored.
Our commitment to providing authentic, reclaimed items extends beyond the transaction – it’s about building connections and becoming a part of the artistic tapestry. Somerset Reclamation doesn’t just sell items; we contribute to the storytelling process, infusing productions with the richness of history.
As we continue this journey, we look forward to more collaborations, more stories, and more opportunities to breathe new life into reclaimed treasures. Somerset Reclamation is not just a supplier; we are curators of narratives, shaping the visual landscapes of television and theater with the echoes of the past.